See their Abilities ... Not the Disablity

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Learning Disabilities; Parent Help

The first thing we need to understand is that learning disabilities are “life” disabilities. Learning disabilities are not just school problem. The same learning disability that interfere with reading, writing and arithmetic interfere with base ball, basket ball, jump rope, sitting the dinner table, getting depressed, keeping a room neat-in short, with every aspect of life.  You may have thought of a learning disability as “my child can’t read, read backwards or reads upside-down and that’s why he does to landmark. But you need to realize that his or her learning disability also explains why there are so many problems at home or with peers. Parents must broaden their thinking and realize that their son’s or daughter’s brain somehow functions differently, whether he or she is which family, playing with friends or at school.
The second thing to keep in mind is that learning disabilities are a “life time” disability. The child with a learning disability will become the adolescent with the learning disability, and will became the adult with the learning disability. Parents don’t like to hear this they want to think that their child will outgrow it. If they just give the child help for a couple of years, he or she will get better.

            The point is that if we get these students the right help, and if we give them the right skills and strategies for learning they can do as well as anyone else. They might need special help through high school. They might also need to go to a college that can provide help. Today there are graduate schools and profession schools all over the country that accommodate to youngsters with learning disability. So, what is your job as a parent? School will deal with their academic need, parent need to deal with their psychological, social, family and peer needs.

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